Year 2 SciTech Excursion

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Last week the Year 2 classes enjoyed an excursion to Scitech as part of this term’s science focus on push and pull forces.

The students marvelled at magnets, sent messages using air pressure, watched a pencil being fired at cornflour slime and covered thier ears as liquid nitrogen exploded foam balls into the air.

During the day, students also identified push and pull forces amongst the exhibits and saw how special substances like tonic water can glow under ultra-violet light. They even watched a live colony of bees at work in their hive. There were so many wonderful, hands-on experiences to get students thinking deeply and scientifically about God’s creation.

Mrs V and Miss Bampton would like to thank all the wonderful parent helpers who came along for the day, making this excursion a pleasant and memorable experience.

Mrs Moreen van Schalkwyk
Year 2 Teacher

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