Year 2 Excursion ‘Near to Nature’

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Wednesday 16 June was no ordinary day for the Year 2s as they embarked on an exciting excursion to the Canning River.

The Year 2s enjoyed activities including learning about a range of species found in the Canning River, how to observe and classify macroinvertebrates and how the health of the water can be detected. They had an opportunity to use nets to catch these species, followed by carefully observing their features using magnifying glasses.

In addition, they learned about the importance of looking after our environment by disposing of our rubbish carefully. Through a moving story about ‘Doug the Darter’, the students also considered how our rubbish can not only pollute our water but also harm its wildlife. To end this learning experience, we all went on a hunt to look for rubbish and learned how long certain materials take to decompose. The important concept of ‘refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle’ was highlighted through the excursion.

Since the excursion, the students have used their new findings about waste to explore how we can better take care of our school environment by cleaning rubbish, recycling appropriate materials and reusing waste for a compost bin!

Overall, it was an exciting day spent amongst nature with many opportunities to learn.

Here is what some of the Year 2s had to say about their day:

  • “My favourite part of the excursion was going fishing with the nets to find some creepy crawlies. And of course, having fun on the playground.” – Chloe (2A)
  •  “My favourite part of the excursion was looking for the rubbish because we got to see all around the area.” – Levi B (2A)
  • “My favourite part of the excursion was when we were catching the tadpoles and fish so we could look closely at them.” – Benji (2A)
  • “My favourite part was when we tried to catch the little macroinvertebrates.” – Noah (2B)
  • “I learned that there’s a door in the bridge over the Canning River to let the fish go through to the other side.” – Taylah (2B)
  • “I learned lots of new things about how some fish eat other fish in the water.” – Cameron (2B)


A big shout-out goes to the lovely parents who were able to come and help make this excursion a day to remember!

Year 2 Teachers



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