PARTY Program Excursion

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The Year 11 Swan Trade Training Centre students had the privilege to participate in the Prevent Alcohol and Risk-related Trauma in Youth (PARTY) program ran by St John of God Hospital in Midland.

The students attended the program as it reinforces the Trade Centre’s value of safety.

Over the course of the day the students were exposed to what happens to you if you are involved in a road accident and other types of trauma: from the ambulance to the emergency room, intensive care unit and, if you are fortunate, rehabilitation.

The students were confronted and challenged by what they learned during the excursion:

“Some people that have experienced trauma came and talked to us about how their poor personal choices resulted in serious consequences. One guy fell off the back of a ute while it was moving and ended up in a coma. He was very lucky to be alive. Another woman became a paraplegic due to a car accident caused by the driver being on drugs. It changed the way I think about drugs and alcohol. It does make you do stupid things that cannot be undone. You only have one life don’t waste it.”

“I came out of it with a completely different mindset. Close to 850 teenagers are impacted by road trauma each year. The thing I was most confronted by was how much road trauma could affect us. I was surprised how long a patient had to stay in hospital for rehabilitation and care.”

“We saw the severe consequences of risk taking on the road. There were two display mannequins in hospital beds and we got a rundown on the procedure doctors take when they have a road trauma patient come in to hospital. I was very surprised to see the amount of tubes they use. They have tubes for everything!”

We would like to thank the hospital staff, presenters and volunteers who made this experience such a valuable one for our students.

Mr Eason’s and Mr Plows’ Year 11 STTC English Class

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