Zambia – Final Blog

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Yesterday was a mixture of feelings; we (the team) were feeling sad that we had to leave all the kids at Light Up Ahead School, glad that we would be leaving soon – meaning that we could have a working shower and a toilet seat on the toilet and happy that we could have a party with the staff of Light Up Ahead School.

Now we are coming home with all our bottles of Hubbly Bubbly, all the souvenirs and all the memories and relationships formed through this trip…..

We’re coming home….



Our adventure in Africa is coming to an end, we have all had so much fun and are bringing back friendships that would never have been if it weren’t for the trip. Now that I have seen the school and all of the kids in it, I understand the impact that everyone has made here in Kantolomba, but more so in the lives of all the kids in the School/Program.

Like all good things, this trip has come to an end, I would like to thank everyone that came and made everything so enjoyable. 



Tuesday was the last ‘official’ day of the Zambian Impact trip of 2014. It has been a wild ride for us all, a great experience and an opportunity to serve those who are less fortunate. Having to say goodbye to the kids was somewhat difficult, and the realisation that we probably won’t see them again or at least anytime soon, was a bit saddening. It was awesome to make friends with the kids, and even though there is a severe language barrier, sometimes just sitting and/or playing with them is enough to form a friendship. The school is doing great work In this community, and we have heard from various people around the area that the program works, and is providing a future and a hope for kids that don’t see anything beyond the horizon. 

This trip was incredible, and inspirational, but unfortunately must conclude. Thanks to the whole team for a great time, and if you’ll excuse me I’ll go have a properly functional, lukewarm shower.



This trip has been a complete smash fest from the beginning if you didn’t have your head in it from the start it wasn’t worth you being there. At the school there were some kids that immediately found a place in your heart and some that you would remember forever. Yesterday (Tuesday) was the last official day we spent the day teaching the kids at the school, helping do some smaller jobs here and there, but last night we had a party for one of the teachers for completing a course. We gave him a cake and the look on his face was one of disbelief  – he was absolutely speechless. 

Today we fly out leaving the good times we had behind us accept for in our memories of the people and places we have been but I’ll also be happy to see a kangaroo again. (An animal I know the name of)




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