
Our school is part of Swan Christian Education Association (SCEA), WA’s largest independent Christian education provider.

Founded over 30 years ago with one school in Midland, the Association has since grown to own and operate seven schools in Perth.

SCEA exists to partner with families and communities to provide Christ-centered education to help shape and grow future generations.

As leaders in researching, identifying, sharing and delivering innovative educational approaches, it is SCEA’s commission to explore new schools, sites, partnerships, associations, affiliations and developments to increase the opportunity to provide Christ-centred education locally, nationally and globally.

SCEA schools benefit from extra resources such as educational consultation, professional development, human resources, finance, maintenance, risk management, information and communication technology and marketing. In addition, SCEA facilitates a range of exciting cross-school initiatives and events for our students throughout the year.

Being a part of a larger organisation enables schools such as ours to flourish and focus on the core business of educating students.

According to SCEA’s Constitution, the governing body of the Association is the Board of Directors. You can visit the SCEA website to learn more about our extraordinary Association.

Association Statement of Faith

The Constitution of the Swan Christian Education Association includes the following Statement of Faith.

One God eternally existent in three persons – The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The sovereignty of God in creation, providence, redemption, revelation and final judgement.

The Divine verbal inspiration of the original documents of the Bible consisting of 66 books, its entire trustworthiness, sufficiency and supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.

The Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ – His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His atoning death on the Cross as our representative and substitute, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, His mediatorial work.

The personality and malignancy of the devil, the fallen, sinful and lost estate of all mankind.

Justification of the sinner by the grace of God through personal faith in our Lord Jesus Christ alone.

The Deity of the Holy Spirit and His work in the regeneration of men, and in their sanctification.

The receiving and indwelling of the Holy Spirit at conversion, and His continuing work in the heart and life of the believer.

The one holy universal church, the body of which our Lord Jesus Christ is the Head, to which all true believers belong.

The visible bodily return of the Lord Jesus Christ, the resurrection and judgement of all mankind, the eternal punishment of the unrepentant and the eternal blessedness of the redeemed.

For the full PDF version of the Welcome to SCEA booklet and the Association Statement of Faith, please click here.

Please click on the following link to download the How to access Parent Lounge document:

Enrolment Enquiry

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