Empowering Students through Service

At Swan Christian College, we believe Service Learning is an integral part of our Christian values.

We strive to empower our students to make a tangible, lasting impact in the world by equipping them to serve others in the same way Christ served us.

Through our many of our Service Learning activities we provide incredible opportunities for our students to engage with those in need and serve them, teaching our students to show respect to everyone they meet, exhibit integrity, grow in spirituality and pursue excellence in all they do.

Helping the Homeless and Fundraising

Through service learning, students can gain an understanding of how to make a difference in the lives of others. They learn how to connect with their local community and develop leadership skills. Students can also build relationships with those in need and gain a greater understanding of the issues surrounding the disadvantaged in our community.

Students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of Service Learning programs at the College. Service Learning students are currently working in partnership with the Swan View Centre to make and provide sandwiches to those in need and other various activities.

Students have the opportunity to be involved with Salvation Army initiatives such as their Winter Appeal, World Vision 40-hr Famine, and be inspired to lead change at the Global Leadership Summit: Next Gen.

Impact Trips

Impact trips for students to Thailand, Cambodia, the Philippines and Zambia have given hundreds of our students first-hand experience of the challenges of people who live in developing nations. This has led to helping practically, with the building of a computer lab in an orphanage in Cambodia to establishing a school and feeding program for vulnerable children in Zambia.

Future Impact Trips are currently being considered and students will be notified when new opportunities arise.


The Duke of Edinburgh award and College Colours recognise students’ efforts in Service Learning by providing leadership development workshops, fundraising activities, and volunteering opportunities such as gardening and Christmas and winter appeals.

Through Service Learning our students gain invaluable life experience and grow in their character as they work to bring hope to the world. Join us to make a difference in the lives of others.

Join our Service Learning Program

If you would like to find out more about Service Learning opportunities at the College please contact Mr Luke Norman, Dean of Service Learning, at luke.norman@swan.wa.edu.au.

Please click on the following link to download the How to access Parent Lounge document:

Enrolment Enquiry

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