Welcome to Junior School

The Kindergarten to Year 6 students make up the Junior School at Swan Christian College.

Contained fully within the grounds of the wider school, classes for the first eight years of schooling are grouped in learning clusters with access to specialist facilities not usually available to primary aged children. With a comprehensive support network, students enjoy an opportunity to thrive and learn through a program that recognises their individual needs and learning styles.

Please feel free to make an appointment to explore the opportunities for your children at our school. With regular tours also available we would love to talk to you about the possibility of partnering with you in the education of your children.

Lifelong Learners

It is the aim of the Junior School to establish firm educational, spiritual and emotional foundations, empowering all students to become adventurous lifelong learners.

In the Kindergarten and Pre-Primary classes we build the students understanding and knowledge through an educational philosophy that values students as exploratory and enquiring learners. An extensive array of learning opportunities is provided for students to extend their understanding and wonder of the world. Utilising a thematic approach, an engaging and comprehensive program of learning unfolds, building upon the skills and abilities of the individual.

As students move to the middle primary years, they are exposed to the latest teaching techniques for language acquisition. Learning teams are built around the students with the program enriched through ability groupings and additional support staff. A specialist music program commences, and students enjoy the ability to learn a foreign language with visiting teachers providing enrichment through the arts and physical education.

At Year 5 our students’ work is marked by greater independence and an increase in educational technologies. The Learning with Technology program commences and strong ties are established with the Senior School to ensure a smooth transition between Junior and Senior School.

An extensive Service Learning program continues throughout the Junior School providing opportunities for students to learn through serving others in our school, local community and communities around the world.

With a great fusion of academic, spiritual and academic growth opportunities, Swan Christian College Junior School truly cares for the wholistic education of every child.

Junior School Learning Areas

In the Early Years our programs utilise the national Early Years Learning Framework alongside the Western Australian curriculum. Allowing each child to build a strong identity, develop a sense of wellbeing and establish effective communication skills.

The early years lay the foundation to:

  • Belonging – to a family, culture, a community
  • Being – play, have fun, try new things and enjoy
  • Becoming – the best they can be, learning all they can.

Our educational philosophy values exploratory and adventurous learning, inspiring creativity, imagination and social skills in your child’s formative years. 

Work in Lower Primary is built on the foundations established in Kindergarten and Pre-Primary. There is an emphasis placed on students becoming users of their own writing and reading to develop literacy, supported by a commitment to assisting them on their own individual learning journey.

Time of Growing Interests

At this stage children start to become aware of things beyond their own experience and take an interest in community, developing friendships and caring for those around them. Our themed topics, covering Science, History, Geography, Health, Art and Technology, reflect these growing interests. Language skills are used and developed in connection with these themes. This makes the learning more integrated, realistic and interesting for students.

In the Middle Primary, students begin to pull together the isolated foundation skills developed in Literacy and Mathematics and move to a more independent level of language that allows for the development of research skills and the exploration of higher levels of content.


Children are given the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of topics and explore interests in a more independent style of learning. They are given new challenges by way of different situations to apply their skills. The emergence of integrating IT skills in their learning becomes much more keenly focused.

Work in the Upper Primary is aimed at preparing students for leadership. High expectations are placed on the correct use of language in all its forms. Mathematics skills are honed to enable the students to cope with the much more difficult concepts of abstract thought and process found in Secondary Mathematics.

To support this time, small group instruction focused on developmental groups for Literacy and Numeracy allows confidence and knowledge to grow at a more individual pace.

IT Development

IT skills are an integral component of the learning curriculum. Children are expected to work with a variety of programs and products as a normal part of the day’s study. Upper Primary is where the students become a part of the Bring Your Own Device program. The objective of the BYOD project is to engage students using their own devices to achieve learning outcomes in the classroom with technology and to enable them to continue learning anywhere, anytime.

In the Middle Primary, students begin to pull together the isolated foundation skills developed in Literacy and Mathematics and move to a more independent level of language that allows for the development of research skills and the exploration of higher levels of content.


Children are given the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of topics and explore interests in a more independent style of learning. They are given new challenges by way of different situations to apply their skills. The emergence of integrating IT skills in their learning becomes much more keenly focused.

Junior School Music program

Classroom Music

Students participate in an instrumental program on a weekly basis and have the opportunity to develop skills with a variety of instruments.

The College’s Music program is a specialist curriculum and all students in Years 1 to 6 participate in a variety of classroom music activities.

Year 3 to 6 students have the opportunity to participate in a choir. Ensembles are also on offer for instrumental groups and percussion. 

In addition to the regular classroom music curriculum, students have the opportunity to participate in individual music lessons in a variety of instruments by engaging the services of professional Music Tutor, facilitated by the College. 

All Year 3 students have the unique opportunity to learn a string instrument through the dedicated Year 3 Strings Program.


Avanti Choir is for all Year 5 and 6 students who enjoy singing together as one. There are many performances throughout the year and the group, directed by Miss Morcombe and Mr. Dietrich, rehearses on Wednesday mornings, 8:00-8:45am.

Piccolo Choir is for all Year 3 and 4 students who enjoy singing! We have a lot of fun with warm-ups and silly songs, as well as learning some beautiful melodies for singing at all our performances. Piccolo is directed by Miss Morcombe and Mr. Dietrich, rehearses on Monday mornings, 8:00-8:45am.

Junior Drum Corps is all about the marching band! Playing traditional and more contemporary rhythms, the Drum Corps have fun performing at major events like the athletics carnivals. The Junior Drum Corps rehearses on Tuesday mornings, 7:45-8:45am.

Formerly known as the Year 6 Kick Start Band, the Junior Concert band bridges the gap between the Year 5 band program and the Senior Concert Band in the high school. Welcoming all band instruments, the Junior Concert Band accepts students at beginner level proficient and beyond on their chosen instrument from Year 3 – 6. Come along and create great music together. The Junior Concert Band is directed by Mr. Shaw and rehearses on Monday afternoons, 3:15-4:00pm.

The Junior String ensemble runs for all students from the Year 3 string program who choose to continue learning a string instrument. Students who also learn a string instrument from Year 2 – 4 are also invited to join. The ensemble rehearses with Miss Savannah on Thursday mornings, 8:00-8:45am.

The guitar ensemble is run by one of our guitar tutors, Mr. Kris. This group takes on capable guitar students from junior school through to lower high school. They rehearse on Thursday afternoons, 3:15-4:00pm.

The 5/6 String Ensemble is for Year 5 and 6 string players only. This group is for those who have continued strings and are learning slightly beyond a beginner level and really starting to hone their craft! This group is an intermediate space before jumping into the Senior School Pond. The ensemble is directed by Miss Morcombe and Mr. Dietrich and rehearses on Thursday mornings, 8:00 – 8:45am.

band programs

The Music Department at the College provides a great opportunity for all Year 3 students each year to receive violin, viola or cello lessons free of charge for one semester. Lessons are provided weekly and each student receives lessons in groups of four per tutor.  The students are taught to care for their instrument as well as how to practice correctly.  Instruments are loaned free of charge from the College.  As well as group lessons, students come together as a whole class to play through their pieces together and learn to play music as an ensemble. This program runs during the school day.

The Blast off Band with accompanying tuition is a free music program for one semester, delivering a group lesson each week on a concert band instrument with all students taking part in a weekly afternoon Concert Band rehearsal on Mondays (3:15-4:00pm). Instruments on offer are flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone horn, tuba, bass guitar and percussion.

Learning In Action

Read more about Learning in action programmes below:

Additional to the overall Christian ethos embedded throughout the learning in the Junior School, specific times are set aside to learn directly from the Bible. The Bible is the Word of God. Through studying His Word, students can come to understand His plan for them and this world. They come to understand the need for Jesus and to appreciate the role He plays in restoring us to our Creator. Each day contains a time for a short reading from the Bible. At this time we also encourage the students to talk to God, through prayer, and to praise Him through song. We also take the opportunity when meeting together to worship God in singing praise to Him.

This program aims at providing support for both students who experience difficulties in certain areas of their work, and for students who need enrichment and extension. Students are withdrawn in small groups to work on programs aimed at developing literacy and numeracy skills.

Year 4 is the entry point for selected students to take part in the Academic and Creative Extension Group. Children selected have a withdrawal program aimed at extending them and developing their ability in a variety of ways. Acceleration and differentiation of curriculum is also available to children who present in the top 5% of academic excellence.

Learning a second language can be extremely beneficial for students as it involves not only learning a language but also learning to appreciate other cultures. Learning a second language helps students to understand the structures of language that may benefit them in their English studies. Learning to communicate effectively with others is a vital part of loving our neighbour, which we, as Christians, are called to do. As our neighbour may be near or far, we need to prepare students for this.

A large range of software packages are used by the students to cater for individual learning needs and stages of development. Various Mathematics, Spelling and Reading resources allow the children to work at their own level while being assessed and challenged. Smart Boards provide for interactive small group and whole class activities using the support of the full resources of a multimedia environment. The ICT program begins in Kindergarten with programs best suited to developmental needs.

Year 5 and 6 students bring their own suitable device to school as the first stage of the Technology Enhanced Learning program. Parenting with Technology sessions are held throughout the year to support parents. The aim of the sessions is to keep parents abreast of changes and give the opportunity to have their questions answered. The objective of the Technology Enhanced Learning program is to engage students using their own devices to achieve learning outcomes in the classroom supported by technology and to enable them to continue learning as they grow in life. At Swan Christian College, we believe that to move forward with technology, there needs to be an increase in the collaboration between home and school. The future of learning is an ongoing journey that we want to move through together, addressing challenges and increasing learning opportunities.


Over a number of years the Junior School has supported the people of the Philippines through education and fundraising.

Each year the Junior School holds a Philippines Day to celebrate the Philippines, celebrate what we have in Australia and consider those in need. Students participate in an obstacle course fun run that includes lots of exciting challenges.

The students raise a substantial amount of money every year thanks to sponsorship collected. Funds go toward providing sound nutrition, healthcare and a solid education to children in the Philippines.

Excursions are part of the College’s plan to provide students with a range of learning opportunities.

In Kindergarten and Pre Primary incursions are favoured and students are enriched through programs that visit them in their familiar learning environments. Incursions in the form of guests are invited into the College to enhance student programs during certain weeks of the year.

At the Junior School an important emphasis is placed on Arts and Media in the curriculum.

The benefits of performance and media arts education have been reinforced by educational research: “Piano lessons lift students’ science skills” said a recent newspaper headline, while “Can Mozart make math add up?” inquired New Scientist, both reporting on studies where children studying a musical instrument scored an average 34 percent higher on basic mental tests than other groups

For Christians the Arts have further significance. The Bible is full of poetry, dance, artistic decoration and ritual, and two books are entirely composed of poems and song lyrics (Song of Songs and Psalms). Music, poetry, painting and dance have all been essential as vehicles for worship throughout two thousand years of the Church.

The importance of studying Media is also relevant given the Media’s power and extent in the modern world. The Media brings news, influences opinions, promotes business and creates culture and entertainment.

The goal of Physical Education at the Junior School is to equip students with the necessary skills for a lifetime of participation in and enjoyment of physical activity. Students are encouraged to develop positive sporting ethics including concepts of fair play and teamwork. Strong interpersonal skills are considered part of the Health program.

Interhouse competitions in swimming and athletics are held each year. Students are also selected to represent the College in the interschool competitions. These competitions include swimming, cross country, athletics and a variety of team games.

Sport is taught as a specialist subject in Years 1 to 6 and after-school programs run seasonally. Interest in community participation is encouraged and so equestrian sports, judo, fencing, soft cross and ballroom dancing have all been encouraged at the College as part of the Keep Active sport program.

All students are allocated to a House on their enrolment and children can earn house points for their teams over the year. Our houses are Bell, Bennett, Kennedy, Mungulu and Shenton.

Leadership skills and responsibilities in a team environment build the character of the students into discerning young people. They learn to cope with the pressures of peers’ and others’ expectations in a supported community. Children are expected to be able to work independently and take responsibility for their own learning. Year 6 student leaders take on roles in the following areas key areas:

  • Pastoral care of students in the lower grades
  • Leadership of formal events
  • Community service
  • Sport
  • Values building
  • Media and arts development.

Enrolment enquiries

Student applications

We would love you to contact us today to discuss how Swan Christian College can work for your family.

If you are interested in enrolling or if you have any questions, please submit your enquiry via the contact form, or get in touch with our Enrolments Team on (08) 9374 8300.

Enrolment Enquiry

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