Academic Scholarship Applications

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Swan Christian College is offering an Academic Scholarship Program for students entering Year 10 in 2020.  

This is a Senior School Scholarship Program running over three years (Years 10-12). Year 8 students who are currently enrolled at the College and Year 8 students who attend schools outside the College are invited to apply. 

Academic Scholarship applicants must demonstrate strong academic performance in the Australian Core Skills Framework Level 2 examination. The exam consists of three subtests in the areas of Humanities, Mathematics/Science and Written Expression. Duration of the exam is approximately 2 ½ hours (with a short break in the middle of the two sections of the exam).  Cost: $110

The Scholarship Exam will take place at Swan Christian College on Saturday 9 March 2019 at 9:00am. Closing date for applications is Thursday 21 February 2019. To register your interest for the Scholarship program, please go to

If you have any questions about the Scholarship Program, please contact Mr Terry Eason on the College number, (08) 9374 8300 or email


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