Meet Mrs Grace Loughton

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Please join us in welcoming Mrs Grace Loughton to the College. Mrs Loughton has joined our Student Services team as an intern and she will be at the College on Mondays and Wednesdays for the next 12 months.

Mrs Loughton graduated from Swan Christian College in 2015. She has recently married; hence you may remember her as Miss Grace Porter. Mrs Loughton is a talented musician and has completed qualifications in counselling.

She is currently completing an internship at Mundaring Church of Christ. The primary goal of this internship is growth in knowledge and love of God, his Gospel and his people. As part of the training, development and community outreach components of the internship, Mrs Loughton will be serving in our Middle and Senior School. She will be involved in our lunchtime Christian Union groups and Worship Band.

We are excited to have Mrs Loughton on board. Please join us in making her feel welcome!

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