Car Park Traffic Behaviour

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Please put the safety of our students (and your children) first when driving on College grounds during pick up and drop off times. We ask you to re-familiarise yourself with the College’s traffic flow map below and reconsider dangerous driving behaviour that places our students’ safety at risk.


Mobile phones

Sadly, we have observed an increase in parents using their mobile phones while driving on College property last term. This is not acceptable. Distracted drivers are a serious risk on our roads. If you are unfamiliar with the current mobile phone offences and penalties in WA please refer to the government’s website.


Pick up and drop off zones

An ongoing reminder to parents, grandparents and anyone else who is authorised to pick up your children not to get out of your car in the pick up and drop off zones. If you have to leave your car to collect or drop off your children, you are required to park your car in the parent and visitor car park. In the pick up and drop off zones, children should exit the car to the left of the vehicle and have their bags close at hand.


Speed limit

The speed limit throughout the College has been adjusted to 10km/h. New speed limit signage has been put up to reflect this change.


Traffic flow

Some areas of the College grounds are strictly one-way roads. Please re-familiarise yourself with the traffic flow as outlined in the map below.



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