Easter Message from the College Parent Committee

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Easter, along with Christmas, is a major event. Major because it is a wonderful time for family, relaxation, goodies like hot cross buns and chocolate (for those of us who are indulging), and reflection. 

Of all these, reflection can be the hardest one (unless you are resisting the urge to indulge in those goodies)! In the busy nature of our lives here in Perth, I am sure that most of us find that reflection is something which we have to be intentional about. We need to make space for reflection. At this point, let me encourage you to make that space this weekend! 

Let me encourage you to reflect in a way that is both in and out. Inwards reflection can be about ourselves and how we are going,­ whether or not we are on track in our quest to reach life goals. This is important stuff.  But it is also important for us to reflect outwardly. How are we going in our quest to love our neighbour as ourselves? How are we going at serving those who are less fortunate than us? 

Here we find that Easter helps us, by giving us both a standard and a power.  A standard in that Jesus willingly laid down His life for the world (Good Friday). What a high standard that is! And a power in that Jesus rose again victorious over sin and death (Easter Sunday). This power is the good news that we find in Easter. That in a world of tragedy, sin, death and destruction, we can find hope in this resurrected Saviour. By placing our trust in Him, God is able to inject His hope, peace and power into us. What a wonderful promise this is.

On behalf of the College Parent Committee here at Swan Christian College, let us take this opportunity to wish you a safe, relaxing and blessed Easter as you reflect on the hope that we find in Jesus!

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