Keep an eye out for these upcoming Fenceline Theatre Company productions for the second half of 2019 and the start of 2020.
Pied Piper of Middle Swan
Tickets are on sale and you certainly don’t want to miss this performance! There are students from Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 involved in this production and it will be loads of fun.
Tickets are available on
Clara’s on the Curtains by Arthur Lovegrove
Last week we auditioned some very talented people from our extended community for this ‘all woman’ comedy show. From those auditioned we had enough for a wonderful cast. This week we began rehearing.
Please follow fencelinetheatrecompany on Instagram and Facebook for regular updates and loads of photographs of the creative spirit alive and well at Swan Christian College.
Fame Junior the Musical
This week, Mr Raymond, Mrs Balla and myself commenced auditions. There is huge scope here for students to get involved. As a singer in the ensemble or as a lead, as a dancer and as an actor who of course can be a singer and a dancer. Great show, super catchy music and a wonderful story about creative kids finding their feet. Auditions continue next week.
Students can access the auditions folder through SEQTA.
Come along and have a go…get involved in this 2020 show. Opens 1 April!
Ms Jane Hille
Director – Fenceline Theatre Company