The Camp Australia team takes great care to ensure that their Outside School Hours Care program at our College creates an environment where kids feel free to try out new things and have fun.
Creating a safe environment is paramount when it comes to children. We don’t want to see them get hurt or injured in any way, but to us, feeling safe is more than ensuring that their physical environment is free of risk when they come to Outside School Hours Care (OSHC).
This means that kids feel free to try new things and can ask for help easily, and that they feel part of a community where they are valued and can contribute to.
Some of the ways we make OSHC safe every day
Each day, this is what it takes for our team to create a safe space at Swan Christian College OSHC:
- Our team makes sure the room and outdoor spaces are in good condition and free of unnecessary risk.
- We inspect food items to ensure everything is fresh and allergy-free.
- We run through any special family arrangements and requirements for individual children.
- Our team interacts with the kids – facilitating play and encouraging kids to explore.
- We make sure we have eyes everywhere, even when kids don’t realise it!
There are a number of other strategies we take, processes we follow and career development opportunities we offer to ensure our team are well-qualified to work within a safe and caring OSHC service.
Within Swan Christian College OSHC, we have a full and comprehensive list of laws and regulations we must adhere to, as well as our own planning tools. If you would like to learn more about how we operate our OSHC service, please visit before or after school and Sue Perry, our Program Coordinator, will be available to answer any questions.
We look forward to seeing you and your family soon,
From the Team at Camp Australia