Swan Students excel at ACC Cross Country

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On Thursday 30 May Swan competed in the senior ACC interschool cross-country carnival at Perry Lakes Reserve in Floreat. Having been selected from our house cross-country carnival approximately 60 students participated in the 3km or 4km race. In challenging conditions with rain showers persisting throughout the day all students gave their all and represented the College with pride. In each race there was approximately 300 runners representing the 75 schools in attendance. A special mention must go to all students who placed in the top 50 places for their divisions:


Student Division Place
Alexander T U13 Boys 29th
Oscar F U13 Boys 36th
Mikayla D Q U13 Girls 38th
Autumn G U13 Girls 44th
Sahara D U14 Girls 7th
Taleah H U14 Girls 30th
Jude S U15 Boys 24th
Mika B U15 Girls 10th
Ava S U16 Girls 43rd
Austin R U19 Boys 36th


Of the 75+ schools attending only 33 were able to gain an official overall placing by having at least 3 runners in every division complete the course within the cut-off time. Swan did exceedingly well by not only qualifying for an overall placing for the third straight year, but in also placing 16th overall which is easily the best result we have had.

Congratulations to all students, staff and parents for being involved in our senior interschool cross-country team this year. I’d like to give a particular thanks to Mr Dallin, Mr La Spina and Mr Ellis for coaching the team in trainings and on the carnival day.

We look forward to seeing continued growth for our team next year!

Mr Stephen Drew
Dean of Sport / Application Support

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  • Limited places available in Year 3, 2025 and 2026
  • There are waitlists for Kindergarten and Year 7, 2026  
  • We encourage you to submit applications at least two years in advance.

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