From the Principal

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The wellbeing and safety of our students and all in our community continues to be a focus as we work through our strategic plan. It was encouraging for us to welcome so many parents to the recent presentation by Dr Arne Rubinstein as he focused on caring for our children through the teenage years. The support of the College Parent Committee on the evening was also appreciated.


The Fathering Project

It is particularly exciting to see the Fathering Project being initiated and fostered by the College Parent Committee. It speaks volumes for the positive community we have in our College that the parents are overtly working to enrich the opportunities we have to grow together and support our precious children. I have been encouraged by the number of conversations I am having about this program and I enjoyed meeting dads and chatting about our children last Tuesday evening. I encourage all Dads to get involved. Email the Parent Committee at if you would like more information:


College Facilities and Master Plan

We have commenced a review of College facilities that will lead to a masterplan for the future. This masterplan will complement our Strategic Plan and allow us to put a long term Building and Facilities Masterplan in place so that future construction, refurbishment and repurposing of the buildings in our College can work towards a common goal over the next five to 10 years.

This project is in its early stages and we currently have architect Paul Edwards and his team working with College leadership and staff to develop concepts for further discussion. This will expand to include student and parent voices as the process continues over the next three months. We are very aware that the building often tells the community what is valued and what our learning looks like.

I look forward to sharing our ideas with you as this process unfolds.


Roads Improvement

The Minister for Transport, Hon. Rita Saffioti MLA, visited the College last Friday to advise that a funding boost of $250,000 has been allocated towards improving the existing infrastructure on Great Northern Highway. I am sure you will remember that the RAC survey conducted earlier this year found that the exit from our College onto Great Northern Highway was the most dangerous intersection in Perth. 

Ms Saffioti reiterated her desire for the problems with the intersection to be resolved and advised that her department would continue to monitor the intersection once these works were complete.


I thank her on behalf of the College, and I am most grateful for the assurance that we will be able to continue to work closely with Main Roads in the future.


Adrian Scott


Please click on the following link to download the How to access Parent Lounge document:

Enrolment Enquiry

Before submitting your enrolment enquiry please be aware of the following:
  • Limited places available in Year 3, 2025 and 2026
  • There are waitlists for Kindergarten and Year 7, 2026  
  • We encourage you to submit applications at least two years in advance.

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