Keeping Our Children Safe

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Ensuring that our College is a safe school for our children is of paramount concern at Swan Christian College. In future communications, I will deal with this in more detail so that you have a better understanding of the practices we have in place and the responsibilities we have to make sure that we all know what to do to maintain a safe physical environment in our College for each child.

One of our primary concerns is knowing that children have arrived safely on campus and have made their way to class. If there is going to be a variation to your child’s attendance, please note the following expectations from you, and the procedures the College will follow in each instance:


One Off Absence:

Parents should notify Student Services of an absent student before 9:00am when the first roll is taken for the day.

Parents can notify Student Services of a student’s absence by the following methods:

Once the class rolls (Mentor Group rolls and Period 1 rolls in Middle and Senior School) have been taken, an SMS will be sent to any parents who have not yet notified Student Services of an absence. Parents are expected to reply to this message as soon as possible.

By 12:30pm, phone calls will be made to parents/guardians of any students still unaccounted for to ensure the safety of their child. 

This includes calling all parents, guardians, and emergency contacts listed on our records until the child can be accounted for.  Parents/guardians are still required to contact Student Services even if they are arriving to school late via an appointment or similar so that all period absentees may be accounted for.


Extended Absence:

If a student is going to be away from school for a period longer than three days, parents must advise the Principal by emailing Student Services at at least a week prior to going, so that the Principal may approve the absence before it takes place.


Early Pickup:

If a student is to be collected early by a parent/guardian, the parent/guardian must present to Student Services and sign their child out before leaving the school with their child.

If you know that you will be collecting your child early from school, please provide a note or send an email to Student Services and/or your child’s teacher to arrange for the child to be waiting for you in Student Services at the time of collection.

If a student is going to be collected from anyone other than a parent/guardian please ensure you have notified Student Services in writing (SMS or email) of who will be collecting your child.


Arriving Late:

If your student is arriving after 8:45am please notify Student Services before 8:30am. Students who are late will need to be signed in at Student Services when they arrive. If you have previously advised Student Services that they will be arriving late, a parent does not need to accompany their child to sign in.


Please do not hesitate to contact Student Services if you need further clarification on any absentee procedures.


Mr Adrian Scott




Please click on the following link to download the How to access Parent Lounge document:

Enrolment Enquiry

Before submitting your enrolment enquiry please be aware of the following:
  • Limited places available in Year 3, 2025 and 2026
  • There are waitlists for Kindergarten and Year 7, 2026  
  • We encourage you to submit applications at least two years in advance.

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