Professor Maths

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Professor Maths visited students in Year 3 and 5 for two days full of math puzzles and fun group work activities.

Students in both year groups but together their reflections about what they learned on the day:

On Friday the 16 August, the Year 5 classes went on a math incursion in the undercover area. We went in groups of five and completed math puzzles together. The objective was to complete as many puzzles as possible with our team members. We got to dress up as Einstein: we could earn scientist glasses by completing two puzzles, a junior Einstein hi-vis vest by completing four puzzles and an Einstein wig for six puzzles. The most commonly played activity was the three-in-line activity, where you had to try to place your tokens in a line on the star, and all of the kids enjoyed it. Professor Maths made it interesting and fun for all the students. There was one game where we were to verse the Professor and none of us could beat him! This was a great way to learn maths and have fun at the same time, and we got to choose our own groups, so we were having fun with our friends. Thank you to the teachers for organising this incursion and thank you Professor Maths for all the fun we had.” – Jeremy M, Year 5

Professor Maths was great and fun. There were many different problem-solving games and we got to be Einstein with crazy hair! I love maths so I had a great time and my friends enjoyed it too! We all had a good time putting our minds to the test and not giving up. My favourite game was fire hose, but it was hard. I hope to see Professor Maths again!” – Chloe I, 3B

Professor Maths was really fun because we got to do lots of things; some were really tricky and some were just fun! The hardest ones were ‘Treats’ and ‘Turtle Flip’. My favourite one was ‘Parallelogram’ because you had to use lots of different shapes to make one big one. It pushed my brain a lot. We enjoyed having Professor Maths and I can’t wait to see him again!” – Elke W, 3B

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  • Limited places available in Year 3, 2025 and 2026
  • There are waitlists for Kindergarten and Year 7, 2026  
  • We encourage you to submit applications at least two years in advance.

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