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I trust that as we finish our second week, things are starting to settle into the patterns and routines of the school year. I hope you all had wonderful holidays and are enjoying the summer weather.

It was wonderful to welcome students back in the first week and celebrate the achievements of our Class of 2018. I have sensed an enthusiasm and positive mood amongst all members of our community and am enjoying the smiling greetings I receive from students as I move around the College. I welcome and value this positive energy and look forward to working with our students, parents and teachers this year.


Facilities Update

As you move around the College, you will see that the grounds and maintenance staff have been busy through the summer break. Much of the College has been painted, we have new lighting in the gymnasium. Many windows have been replaced and the gardens are looking well-manicured and loved. 


I must once again thank you for your patience and care for each other as we worked through the first week.  We still have many temporary markings in place and the interface with the highway is progressing very slowly despite our best intentions and efforts at this end. 

The speed humps have helped improve safety for our children and it is good to see all vehicles moving more slowly through the College.  We are still working on ways to improve the flow into the College and determining final locations for the speed humps so that we can ensure safe but steady traffic flow.

It has been apparent each day that there is steady improvement in the flow as we all work together and become familiar with the best way to negotiate the limiting factors we all face moving in and out of the College. 

Pathways to Wisdom

During the past 18 months, you may have taken the opportunity to be part of a working group developing our Strategic Plan and the supporting enabling documents detailing how the plan will be implemented. This process is now complete and has been published on our website. If you would like a hard copy, please feel free to come into the administration and ask. Pathways to Wisdom details how Swan Christian College is going about ensuring that we are constantly improving and providing best learning opportunities for our children, our relationships with our community and opportunities for staff growth and development.


Academic Results 2018

We are very proud of the achievements of our 2018 Year 12 students.  These are also published on our website and I encourage you to look and celebrate the successes of our students.

Please click on the following link to download the How to access Parent Lounge document:

Enrolment Enquiry

Before submitting your enrolment enquiry please be aware of the following:
  • Limited places available in Year 3, 2025 and 2026
  • There are waitlists for Kindergarten and Year 7, 2026  
  • We encourage you to submit applications at least two years in advance.

Swan Christian College Alumni Registration


Sign up today to hear about reunions and other events. Please be sure to list your personal email address, rather than a school, work or university address, to ensure you’re kept up to date throughout your career.