Middle and Senior School Uniform Update

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From Tuesday 2 June (Week 6), we will start moving students back into formal winter uniform.

In order to make this happen, with student change rooms remaining closed, we will implement a process which will rely on students complying and buying into a modification of the current system.

  • In order to participate in Physical Education and Dance class, a student who has a Physical Education or Dance lesson should wear sport uniform to and from school. For some students, this may be four times per week (if this is difficult to manage, please communicate with your PE or Dance teacher directly). Please plan with your child their daily uniform under the direction of their College timetable.
  • Whilst in sport uniform, if cold, students should wear the tracksuit component of the sport uniform or the formal College winter jumper. If this is not possible, Senior School students may wear College branded tour jumpers. As of Tuesday 2 June, students will need to remove any non-College branded uniforms (if this is an issue, please contact your Dean of Year).
  • If a student wishes to use the ovals or basketball courts during break times and is wearing formal uniform, they are encouraged to bring with them a change of sports shoes to change into without having to use the change rooms at the College.
  • College photo day is scheduled for Friday 12 June (Years 11 – 12) and Monday 15 June (Years 7-10, STTC and sibling photos). No year group photos will take place this year. On this day, all students are required to wear formal winter uniform. Physical Education activities will be theory based on this day.
  • Due to our current restrictions, we clearly had to modify College uniform. Please continue to discuss with your child the need to comply with basic uniform expectations. A reminder that chains are not to be worn, earrings and jewellery should comply with the uniform guidelines, PE shoes should be compliant with guidelines (no converse, vans etc), hair should be neat and tidy with natural colouring, shoes should be polished etc. All of these basic uniform requirements have been practiced by students for many years and will continue to be an expectation going forward.

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